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    AvatarBartolomei Mirco
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      Ciao Giorgio anche secondo me hai fatto un buonissimo lavoro:yes:
      Il supporto è bellissimo, fa perfettamente il suo dovere e contemporaneamente fa intravvedere il lavoro che è stato fatto per realizzarlo
      In queste operazioni l’estetica è all’ultimo postoAnche io nelle mie avventure, ho realizzato delle cose che sono impresentabili e con i più svariati materiali recuperati da ogni dove per minimizzare le spese (ma massimizzare l’ingegno), e hanno sempre svolto il loro compito e tanto basta:good: :good: :good:
      Buona continuazione

      AvatarEmiliano Di Giorgio
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        Questa notte ho estratto il secondo disco di vetro, molati i bordi e in teoria sarei pronto per iniziare.
        Adesso che ho in mano anche quello che ho designato ad utensile mi sorge un pensiero
        It's not like I can spare it to make another mirror later and use as a tool 3 It's not like I can spare it to make another mirror later and use as a tool?
        It's not like I can spare it to make another mirror later and use as a tool…

        Thank you

        Massimo MarconiMassimo Marconi
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          It's not like I can spare it to make another mirror later and use as a tool, It's not like I can spare it to make another mirror later and use as a tool, ad is. It's not like I can spare it to make another mirror later and use as a tool.

          Personally, It's not like I can spare it to make another mirror later and use as a tool, It's not like I can spare it to make another mirror later and use as a tool 6 It's not like I can spare it to make another mirror later and use as a tool, It's not like I can spare it to make another mirror later and use as a tool… It's not like I can spare it to make another mirror later and use as a tool, in the short term it should not cause problems with detachment or deformation.
          A “nose” in the short term it should not cause problems with detachment or deformation, in the short term it should not cause problems with detachment or deformation, in the short term it should not cause problems with detachment or deformation ( I repeat, I do not know, in the short term it should not cause problems with detachment or deformation. :bye: )

          AvatarGiulio TiberinI
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            hello Emiliano.
            in the short term it should not cause problems with detachment or deformation, in the short term it should not cause problems with detachment or deformation, in the short term it should not cause problems with detachment or deformation 6 mm, in the short term it should not cause problems with detachment or deformation. in the short term it should not cause problems with detachment or deformation.
            in the short term it should not cause problems with detachment or deformation.
            I am referring to 6mm because I have read that it can happen that the stoneware tiles that stick to the surface of the tool, I am referring to 6mm because I have read that it can happen that the stoneware tiles that stick to the surface of the tool… I am referring to 6mm because I have read that it can happen that the stoneware tiles that stick to the surface of the tool. I am referring to 6mm because I have read that it can happen that the stoneware tiles that stick to the surface of the tool.

            I am referring to 6mm because I have read that it can happen that the stoneware tiles that stick to the surface of the tool, I am referring to 6mm because I have read that it can happen that the stoneware tiles that stick to the surface of the tool, I am referring to 6mm because I have read that it can happen that the stoneware tiles that stick to the surface of the tool, I am referring to 6mm because I have read that it can happen that the stoneware tiles that stick to the surface of the tool.

            I am referring to 6mm because I have read that it can happen that the stoneware tiles that stick to the surface of the tool 10 I am referring to 6mm because I have read that it can happen that the stoneware tiles that stick to the surface of the tool. This is because during the excavation phase of the curve you press without much praise on the tool which then tends to flex and puts the glue to a very hard test whatever it is.

            This is because during the excavation phase of the curve you press without much praise on the tool which then tends to flex and puts the glue to a very hard test whatever it is 10 This is because during the excavation phase of the curve you press without much praise on the tool which then tends to flex and puts the glue to a very hard test whatever it is…This is because during the excavation phase of the curve you press without much praise on the tool which then tends to flex and puts the glue to a very hard test whatever it is 20 This is because during the excavation phase of the curve you press without much praise on the tool which then tends to flex and puts the glue to a very hard test whatever it is.

            This is because during the excavation phase of the curve you press without much praise on the tool which then tends to flex and puts the glue to a very hard test whatever it is!

            This is because during the excavation phase of the curve you press without much praise on the tool which then tends to flex and puts the glue to a very hard test whatever it is

            This is because during the excavation phase of the curve you press without much praise on the tool which then tends to flex and puts the glue to a very hard test whatever it is…This is because during the excavation phase of the curve you press without much praise on the tool which then tends to flex and puts the glue to a very hard test whatever it is, similar to those in this post, similar to those in this post.
            similar to those in this post:

            (similar to those in this post)

            similar to those in this post, similar to those in this post , similar to those in this post.

            AvatarBartolomei Mirco
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              hello Emiliano, similar to those in this post.

              similar to those in this post:
              Do not use 3 Do not use 6 Do not use.
              Do not use, Do not use (Do not use).
              Do not use 15 Do not use 20 Do not use (Do not use 15).

              Do not use, Do not use, Do not use, Do not use.
              Do not use, Do not use… :good:

              AvatarEmiliano Di Giorgio
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                Do not use.
                Do not use.
                Do not use, ho messo l’utensile in basso e l’ho suddiviso virtualmente in un esagono, poi ho effettuato 12 wets (mi durano meno di due minuti l’una per 70 past) con grana 80 girando utensile e specchio in direzioni opposte fra loro ad ogni seccata.
                Una volta terminati 2 giri completi ho lavato bene utensile e specchio e ho qualche perplessità.

                Mentre l’utensile è sabbiato dappertutto, lo specchio è invece molto irregolare, ovviamente è più lavorato al centro come è giusto che sia, ma i bordi non sono lavorati dappertutto, spero che in foto si capisca, in alcuni punti è addirittura ancora trasparente.

                Is’ normale questo?


                Massimo MarconiMassimo Marconi
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                  And, a sheet of film between the tool and the mirror to check the contact between the surfaces, con la passata cordale il bordo dello specchio ti rimane lucido fino al successivo cambio di grana-passata.
                  sono nella norma anche i tempi , l’unica cosa è che la rotazione specchio utensile va fatta dopo qualche passata e non dopo ogni seccata .

                  AvatarGiulio TiberinI
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                    hello Emiliano.
                    Is’ a bit’ that we do not read to you. I miss your news on the progress of your work!

                    About the cadence with which to perform the rotation of a few degrees of the tool (or mirror that you currently have in your hand), it must be said that during the roughing phase it does not assume a significant importance, because in roughing, the concave figure facing the mirror is irregular and still far from the sphere. But it is better to get used immediately to a regime as close as possible to the statistical law of large numbers, that is, in order to perform any operation, and including rotation, as frequently as possible, to allow the elimination of the very small mistakes made, before they get bigger.

                    For me since the beginning of scratching, it was a complication to count the forwards backwards and then rotate the discs at a certain number (I want to have my mind free to think above all about the consequences of what I am doing, and that for me, and for my only neuron, it is not compatible with a simultaneous count).
                    Reason for which I decided to continuously rotate the object in my hand, impressing it with your fingers on the edge, a fraction of rotation at each end of the back and forth stroke. I have to say that this has worked very well for all of my accomplishments.

                    AvatarEmiliano Di Giorgio
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                      Grazie Massimo e grazie Giulio per i vostri interventi.

                      Purtroppo sono completamente fermo a causa del fatto che ogni minuto libero è dedicato alla fine della realizzazione dell’osservatorio remoto.
                      Parto il 15 agosto per portare gli ultimi automatismi in loco e ho letteralmente i minuti contati.

                      Nei pochissimi buchi vuoti ho raccolto il materiale necessario per fare uno spartano piano rotante da 400mm così da rettificare bene la forma del disco (che comunque è buona) e spero da poter usare anche nel lavoro di sbozzatura che intenderei fare a mano ma facendo ruotare l’utensile con il banco.

                      We see, spero di riuscire a completarlo per il 15 so I take it with me during the 12 days of vacation, so I take it with me during the 12 days of vacation, so I take it with me during the 12 days of vacation, so I take it with me during the 12 days of vacation.

                      Thanks again, so I take it with me during the 12 days of vacation.

                      AvatarGiulio TiberinI
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                        Thanks to you Emiliano.
                        It “spartan” Rotating plane is a very interesting thing. Especially in light of the fact that, (if I am allowed to express my opinion) you are the one with the adaptations “Spartans BUT FUNCTIONAL” :yes: :yes: :yes: .
                        Over time and without haste, don't forget to describe it to us!
                        Have a good vacation!

                        AvatarEmiliano Di Giorgio
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                          so I take it with me during the 12 days of vacation.

                          so I take it with me during the 12 days of vacation, so I take it with me during the 12 days of vacation, so I take it with me during the 12 days of vacation.

                          so I take it with me during the 12 days of vacation.
                          so I take it with me during the 12 days of vacation.

                          AvatarGiulio TiberinI
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                            so I take it with me during the 12 days of vacation, so I take it with me during the 12 days of vacation.

                            sure, so I take it with me during the 12 days of vacation, so I take it with me during the 12 days of vacation 80 thousand manual runs forward back…thousand manual runs forward back, thousand manual runs forward back.

                            Ma, thousand manual runs forward back, circa 300 wets, thousand manual runs forward back 4 minutes; thousand manual runs forward back, thousand manual runs forward back 80 thousand manual runs forward back 80 thousand manual runs forward back, thousand manual runs forward back 22 work hours. That 22 thousand manual runs forward back.

                            thousand manual runs forward back, thousand manual runs forward back (thousand manual runs forward back), thousand manual runs forward back, thousand manual runs forward back 50 thousand manual runs forward back…or even less, thousand manual runs forward back “scratch”,thousand manual runs forward back. ;-)

                            AvatarEmiliano Di Giorgio
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                              Thanks Giulio.

                              In the meantime, I went back on my decisions and made an ultra-low-cost rotating table by recycling material already present at home..

                              In the meantime, I went back on my decisions and made an ultra-low-cost rotating table by recycling material already present at home., In the meantime, I went back on my decisions and made an ultra-low-cost rotating table by recycling material already present at home..

                              In the meantime, I went back on my decisions and made an ultra-low-cost rotating table by recycling material already present at home. (In the meantime, I went back on my decisions and made an ultra-low-cost rotating table by recycling material already present at home.) In the meantime, I went back on my decisions and made an ultra-low-cost rotating table by recycling material already present at home..

                              In the meantime, I went back on my decisions and made an ultra-low-cost rotating table by recycling material already present at home. 4 In the meantime, I went back on my decisions and made an ultra-low-cost rotating table by recycling material already present at home.’ In the meantime, I went back on my decisions and made an ultra-low-cost rotating table by recycling material already present at home. (In the meantime, I went back on my decisions and made an ultra-low-cost rotating table by recycling material already present at home.)

                              In the meantime, I went back on my decisions and made an ultra-low-cost rotating table by recycling material already present at home. 3 In the meantime, I went back on my decisions and made an ultra-low-cost rotating table by recycling material already present at home. 120 In the meantime, I went back on my decisions and made an ultra-low-cost rotating table by recycling material already present at home. (In the meantime, I went back on my decisions and made an ultra-low-cost rotating table by recycling material already present at home.)


                              At this point I made a plywood disc and placed another bearing in the center () At this point I made a plywood disc and placed another bearing in the center


                              At this point I made a plywood disc and placed another bearing in the center, At this point I made a plywood disc and placed another bearing in the center “At this point I made a plywood disc and placed another bearing in the center” At this point I made a plywood disc and placed another bearing in the center.
                              At this point I made a plywood disc and placed another bearing in the center 1.5 RPM, At this point I made a plywood disc and placed another bearing in the center.


                              At this point I made a plywood disc and placed another bearing in the center’ At this point I made a plywood disc and placed another bearing in the center.

                              so I take it with me during the 12 days of vacation, At this point I made a plywood disc and placed another bearing in the center’ At this point I made a plywood disc and placed another bearing in the center, I built the bridge (I built the bridge, I built the bridge) I built the bridge.


                              I built the bridge.
                              I built the bridge.

                              I built the bridge (over it) I built the bridge’ tool (I built the bridge)
                              I built the bridge, I built the bridge.

                              I built the bridge…. advice?

                              AvatarGiulio TiberinI
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                                hello Emiliano.
                                I built the bridge, I built the bridge, I built the bridge “Fixed Post”.
                                I built the bridge (that is, the post or fixed pivot that descends from the bridge), that is, the post or fixed pivot that descends from the bridge, that is, the post or fixed pivot that descends from the bridge “that is, the post or fixed pivot that descends from the bridge” that is, the post or fixed pivot that descends from the bridge.

                                that is, the post or fixed pivot that descends from the bridge, that is, the post or fixed pivot that descends from the bridge, that is, the post or fixed pivot that descends from the bridge, that is, the post or fixed pivot that descends from the bridge.

                                that is, the post or fixed pivot that descends from the bridge “Hi everyone”, that is, the post or fixed pivot that descends from the bridge, go to the page 2 that is, the post or fixed pivot that descends from the bridge 5154, that is, the post or fixed pivot that descends from the bridge, that is, the post or fixed pivot that descends from the bridge, that is, the post or fixed pivot that descends from the bridge.

                                Hi everyone

                                that is, the post or fixed pivot that descends from the bridge, that is, the post or fixed pivot that descends from the bridge, there is also a handy animation that shows the effects of abrasion on the different areas of the mirror, there is also a handy animation that shows the effects of abrasion on the different areas of the mirror, there is also a handy animation that shows the effects of abrasion on the different areas of the mirror.

                                there is also a handy animation that shows the effects of abrasion on the different areas of the mirror, there is also a handy animation that shows the effects of abrasion on the different areas of the mirror, there is also a handy animation that shows the effects of abrasion on the different areas of the mirror. there is also a handy animation that shows the effects of abrasion on the different areas of the mirror, there is also a handy animation that shows the effects of abrasion on the different areas of the mirror.

                                there is also a handy animation that shows the effects of abrasion on the different areas of the mirror.

                                AvatarGiulio TiberinI
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                                  there is also a handy animation that shows the effects of abrasion on the different areas of the mirror, skipping the descriptions of the machines that move the tool, skipping the descriptions of the machines that move the tool, skipping the descriptions of the machines that move the tool “skipping the descriptions of the machines that move the tool”, skipping the descriptions of the machines that move the tool (the “Fixed post” skipping the descriptions of the machines that move the tool “skipping the descriptions of the machines that move the tool”:

                                  skipping the descriptions of the machines that move the tool (skipping the descriptions of the machines that move the tool), skipping the descriptions of the machines that move the tool “sweet spot” skipping the descriptions of the machines that move the tool, skipping the descriptions of the machines that move the tool.

                                  skipping the descriptions of the machines that move the tool, skipping the descriptions of the machines that move the tool. skipping the descriptions of the machines that move the tool.

                                  skipping the descriptions of the machines that move the tool, and tool decentralization, and tool decentralization, and tool decentralization “Hi everyone”.

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